The home world of the arachnoid Koozanakis and hosts of other colorful beings, Sgin is situated in the territory of the Bominitian Community and is deemed to be one of its loveliest planets. Sgin is a very popular tourist destination, and during its warmer tropical seasons, there will be six times the amount of life on the planet as there is on the whole Earth.
Sgt. Chuckler
Formerly serial murderer John Wayne Gacy while alive as a Ni'Yan being, Sgt. Chuckler came to Fyriie after the execution. Chuckler found work as an acting officer of Fyriie through Prof. Donk Tloca (who knew not his true identity) and continued his sadistic exploits. These crimes went unchecked for a time, but when Chuckler failed to report back to work, Donk accepted the application of Admiral Brazel and sent the new recruit to investigate his disappearance. Finding out about Chucklet's crimes, the Admiral tracked down the Sarge, assaulted him, and then cast him into Fyriie's Hell. Chuckler has escaped his confinement numerous times by inflating himself up into a skeletal giant, a stage of which he begins to refer to himself as Big Beefy Chuckler.
Siccorus and Siccori
The Siccorus is the conscious core and absolute source of the gnarlyverse of Omnikia. No one knows if the Siccorus was ever born, but there are some that believe it always was and always will be, and others who accept its birthlessness while also accepting that it can be totally vanquished. Despite not knowing the origins or if the Siccorus can die, in its current phase, it has filled Omnikia's Mantle with quantum echoes and reflections we call the Siccori. Each Siccori projects a Mind Cosm, or experience zone, that then helps shape the environment within the Omnikia Mantle. Under particular pretexts, notably using GuT, the Siccori can establish alignments with the Siccorus, and draw from it the pieces to create the desire it has developed in letting its Mind Cosm work.
South Fyriie Isle.
The presumed capital of the Mind Cosm Mine that is Fyriie, the island is one of the few places in the Mine that maintains its shape. One of the reasons for this is the permanent residence of live Psarkian Humans who fulfill its balance. Apparently, Jrikran, the living mountain at its center, is one of many gateways to the Ni'Yan physical Earth of A33D. The island is also the home of Professor Donk Tloca, Admiral Brazel, and Tia among other refugees.
Spacey JC
Name: Spacey JC Sex: Male Race: Brigbetan Human Bio: Born at the colony of Brigbeta, Spacey JC is a freelance journalist for the events of Omnikia and the author for the GuT chronicles. Now working within the vicinity of Earth whether in the Spacey Cave on a mini moon orbiting the planet or on the ground with his Earth family as his alter ego, JC Young, Spacey JC will be around for a long time to inform his readers, viewers, and listeners of what's going on in the rest of the gnarlyverse of Omnikia.
Spoiler Family
The Spoiler Family is a kinship of rotted food who hail from the Fyriie country of Edibon. They serve as scouts for Admiral Brazel's security squadron. They consist of Stak (the sandwich), Jugz (the beverage), Freddy (the cake), and Cheesy (the trash collection).