The Wet Dreams Drug Company is a business centered around the selling of recreational and medical entheogenic drugs. The full extent of the Company's reach is unknown, but there is speculation and rumors that it operates in multiple Cosms and even so far as the metaphysical realm of Fyriie. What is known is that it does have a strict policy of customer qualifications and a moral ethical code that prohibits marketing to children. In places where the Company's products are deemed illegal, strangely, the attempts to capture and question the dealers fall short when they seem to vanish in thin air during every pursuit.
Invented by German chemists to be tested by Josef Mengele's team at the Auschwitz Camp during WWII, the substance called Weltanschauung Kristallsturm 24 was intended to heavily induce or enhance extra sensory perception in subjects. Whether the drug was successful or not was an inconclusive result, as those who were injected with it suffered from extreme psychosis for a week or more. Some of the subjects claimed to be experiencing so many realities at once that they would be lost trying find which one was their own.