Name: Daniel Heller Sex: Male Race: Earth Human Bio: A wild cage-fighting redneck who is addicted to just about everything that could kill you, Dan doesn't appear to be anything more than that. However, underneath the all-too Human fellow, even under his own scope, there lies the dormant Bridgemaker, the most sought-after Navigator in the known gnarlyverse. His ability, if awakened, can rewrite the fabric of all reality in accordance with his desire, and if you know Dan Heller like his cousin Melvin Conaway, Omnikia could be in grave danger.
Name: Dillard Cason Sex: Male Race: Earth Human Bio: As the leading journalist of Supernatural Explorer Magazine, Dillard Cason is no stranger to fans of the occult. Unknowingly, Dillard had been working close with some of ICI's top scientists on several occasions, and because he was so near the point of exposing the Installation, they needed to personally lure him from any suspicions. It was his defying the recommendations of the Blankspotters to not physically interact with the Omnikion Hole that was said to have led to his eventual disappearance.
Name: Donk Tloca Sex: Male Race: Psarkian Human Bio: Born Mezerknod Tlocacal of the planet Psarkia, Professor Donk Tloca takes the essence of bizarre wherever he goes, as he did upon settling on the planet Earth. The primary caretaker of South Fyriie Isle, a polar region of the Mind Cosm Mine of Fyriie on Earth, Prof. Tloca was assigned to his position by the Bershosh to watch over the island and its gateway to the many Cosms of the planet. In his research to cultivate the Pifoydrix fungi, Donk's laboratory consists of every known (and some unknown) natural psychotropic on the planet Earth to recreate and reproduce its GuT Madness effects.