Name: Handzo Sex: Male Race: Bodyrican Bio: A recreational Stump Hiker, Handzo is a Bodyrican who enjoys traveling throughout Fyriie to see its odd spots. He is married to fellow Bodyrican, Footza, who could tell you about his legendary fisting tactics and also his constant display of racial sensitivity.
The Haxe are anti-gravitational ball-beings who were originally produced by the Haxoetisnuae pods from the planet, Sibalk of the Argrig System. After birth from the dark crystalline pods, the fragments of the pods are telepathically-controllable for the hatched Haxe, thus giving them the best evolutionary development one could have for the assemblage of tools. The Haxe have vastly different expressive faces, with a calm face making its skin smooth, simple, and silly changing to an excited or angry face that makes its skin wrinkled sickly and drawn lips to show full length of their long ugly teeth.
One of the hottest worlds in the gnarlyverse, Helaven is a place you can easily get burned, even where it has water. Most of the planet's surface holds molten rock, but is not short of life. Helaven is the homeworld of the sentient Kanese and Karkian Okiums and other plasma-based organisms. On the Zerek Lifeland islands of the boiling Zerek Ocean found in the southern hemisphere, life there is mostly consistent of water-based extremophiles who can survive the heat. In other Cosms, like the Gev' Enna Cosm, life conditions in some places within planet Helaven, like Genen Duerta, are almost Earth-like.
Name: Hunterhead Sex: Androgynous Race: Meat Oak Bio: A relatively intelligent oak tree found in Fyriie, Hunterhead is a farmer who sells the fruit that grows from his roots. The fruit from this tree is in the likeness of the physical head of any chosen Human who happened to have died in the Ni'Yan reality. Hunterhead is avidly against all forms of trespass, but encourages consumers to purchase his head-fruit.
Name: Hymer Sex: Male Race: Fyriie Oyster Bio: The largest member of the Shucksters, Hymer's intellect is essentially in negative numbers as far as IQ tests go. If one could ignore the abyss of stupidity, the overgrown oyster does have strength on his side, as well as a saliva cannon armed in his sole eye socket. Strangely, the Shuckster's leader, MuSSel, seems to prefer Hymer as his right-hand shellfish over the other two, quite possibly because he is too ignorant to do anything other than what he's told.