Description: Spawned from the Primarikan Kalendisset and sent to the deepest depths of Omnikia, the Micro Kalendisset is the Kalendrial replacement for planets. Do not let the name fool you, because although the Micro Kalendisset offspring is barely a dot in comparison with the Primarikan Kalendisset, the smallest of them is a skim bigger than Jupiter. Be sure you check as often as possible with a good telescope at night, because if you came across one of these, you'd best be hoping it doesn't crash through your homeworld.
Name: MuSSel Sex: Male Race: Fyriie Clam Bio: Formerly SS commander Heinrich Himmler of Nazi Germany while alive in the Ni'Yan Reality, MuSSel has a nasty temper and is prone to be unnecessarily aggressive, even against his own accomplices. He leads the Shucksters, a pirate gang of (often imbecilic) shellfish who aim to drug and subjugate the people of Fyriie into a slavery and annihilate all who resist, usually in an excessive manner.