The collective of various species of multi-faced beings who came forth from the Bucph'Wict System, of which they have spread throughout. For each face upon the head, there is usually an arm and a leg to accompany it on the lower body of the Janosian. They are known to have five natural genders and mating typically require all five in the process, essentially making an orgy necessary to create offspring. Janosians are born with outstanding intelligence, and have been found capable of constructing Cosm-Hopping vehicles at the age of two months! Janosians also do not abide to linear laws of time and bathe themselves in an omni-directional state to increase their intelligence and reconfigure physical development. The Elite Class among the Janosians hold some of the highest seats of power in the Kalendrial Community.
J i c o t a n s
Engineered as a servant race by the extinct Nyriels, the Jicotans are renowned for their unsurpassed technology and superior diplomatic concepts. Jicotans have a single eye that can see vastly more colors than a Human could and a thin body that keeps them from weakening with age, from needing to breathe, eat, or drink to survive. Sadly, because of the inability to naturally reproduce and falling victim of a covert genocide, there is only one known Jicotan remaining, and good luck if you think he can be caught up with.
Joe "indeed" ziefa
Name: Joe "Indeed" Ziefa Sex: Male Race: Earth Human Bio: Brother of Billy Ziefa and co-founder of the Ziefa Tavern. Rather than run or own the Tavern, Joe prefers to simply frequent the place for drinks he doesn't have to go all the way into town for. Joe also has a drinking rivalry with Admiral Brazel, which started after Admiral had thrown him into a jail cell for rehabilitative "purposes".