Name: Naughty The Nautilus Sex: Male *can also change genders at will Race: Fyriie Cephalopod Bio: Naughty the Nautilus was best known for his work in Snail Pornography before his days of piracy with the Shucksters. Naughty has no specific preference of sea creature to engage in intercourse with, nor is he picky about his own gender. Although a Nautilus, Naughty adorns an auger shell rather than the shell of his species. His romp with an under-aged barnacle led to trouble with authorities and his abandonment of the film industry. When found by MuSSel, he was promised a return to prominence if he would enlist in his band of Shucksters. While the rest of the crew pillages villages, they leaving the raping to Naughty the Nautilus.
Any potential being in existence could become a Navigator, or wielder of the GuT. When one has initiated the GuT Madness in their psyche to physically manifest their desires, they are essentially deemed a Navigator. Not all Navigators have identical abilities in the way their desires are manifested, as there are several varieties in how it is conducted or enabled. The entire multiversal population of Navigators has vastly dwindled to near extinction, with but a very few hiding from the eyes of all existence itself outside of the planet Earth.
A prehistoric race of ultra-intelligent entities who were said to have been eleven-dimensionally implanted in this universe by Yi'Kan Sacracel. The race began benevolent, curious, and even then, superior with innovations that even modern beings are having difficulty or are altogether unable to reverse engineer. Sometime within a three million year evolutionary track, the Nyriels brought forth an era of infighting that escalated into the immeasurable destruction of a significant mass of the totality of all existence that is Omnikia, which tragically resulted in the complete self-erasure of the Nyriel race in the end.