The once beloved mysterious occurrence known by the public as the traveling Blankspot has, as of late, been striking a sense of panic among many people after the sudden overnight disappearance of 80 members of a research crew along with 22 million dollars worth of equipment during their follow of the Blankspot phenomenon. This was noticed first by a returning crew of the encampment of Blankspotters; a group of scientists, engineers, and reporters devoted to the research of the Blankspot. The returning crew had been in the town of Fort Good Hope in the Northwest Territories of Canada during their sleeping hours.
Upon driving back to camp the next morning, the returning crew had made way into the area where the encampment was supposed to be parked, only to be shocked to find the entire encampment had vanished into thin air. Thinking that their fellow crew members had packed up and left without them, a radio operator had tried to get a hold of the camp, only to be with dead silence within the static. Cell phone calls were also made, but no answers were received. The returning crew headed back to town to report this to authorities, where a second attempt to communicate with the encampment would come up unsuccessful.
The next day, a radio response finally came from another crew, three individuals who were frightened out of their wits from what they had seen. Those three individuals reportedly walked into the woods away from the camp earlier in the week for floral surveys, and upon wandering back to the camp, they said a bright yellow flash filled the sky, and the noises at the encampment were instantly gone.
"It must've ate them!" says a Fort Good Hope resident that blames the Blankspot for their disappearance. The crew in town went to meet with the three survivors at the site, but did not find them at their rendezvous spot , or anywhere else for that matter. The three men are still unaccounted for, deepening the mystery further. The Mayor of Fort Good Hope has spoken on the subject, and said, "One way or another, we need to put all efforts possible into finding out what happened, and to verify if the so- called Blankspot is a danger to civilians or to the environment. Until that time, it is still wise to avoid the presence of this object and take great precautions in alerting your community if an encounter with the Blankspot is imminent. Keep away from it as far as you can be."
The once beloved mysterious occurrence known by the public as the traveling Blankspot has, as of late, been striking a sense of panic among many people after the sudden overnight disappearance of 80 members of a research crew along with 22 million dollars worth of equipment during their follow of the Blankspot phenomenon. This was noticed first by a returning crew of the encampment of Blankspotters; a group of scientists, engineers, and reporters devoted to the research of the Blankspot. The returning crew had been in the town of Fort Good Hope in the Northwest Territories of Canada during their sleeping hours.
Upon driving back to camp the next morning, the returning crew had made way into the area where the encampment was supposed to be parked, only to be shocked to find the entire encampment had vanished into thin air. Thinking that their fellow crew members had packed up and left without them, a radio operator had tried to get a hold of the camp, only to be with dead silence within the static. Cell phone calls were also made, but no answers were received. The returning crew headed back to town to report this to authorities, where a second attempt to communicate with the encampment would come up unsuccessful.
The next day, a radio response finally came from another crew, three individuals who were frightened out of their wits from what they had seen. Those three individuals reportedly walked into the woods away from the camp earlier in the week for floral surveys, and upon wandering back to the camp, they said a bright yellow flash filled the sky, and the noises at the encampment were instantly gone.
"It must've ate them!" says a Fort Good Hope resident that blames the Blankspot for their disappearance. The crew in town went to meet with the three survivors at the site, but did not find them at their rendezvous spot , or anywhere else for that matter. The three men are still unaccounted for, deepening the mystery further. The Mayor of Fort Good Hope has spoken on the subject, and said, "One way or another, we need to put all efforts possible into finding out what happened, and to verify if the so- called Blankspot is a danger to civilians or to the environment. Until that time, it is still wise to avoid the presence of this object and take great precautions in alerting your community if an encounter with the Blankspot is imminent. Keep away from it as far as you can be."