The Interstellar Communication Installation is a world-based shadow contractor who are responsible for trade negotiations with entities not from the Earth and the development of technologies provided by their clients. Originally the MLAA (Metaphysical Lodge of Astronomical Affairs), ICI is ran by President Ji' La Balu, the daughter of the Lodge's founder, El' Ra Balu. The Installation works with nearly every nation on the planet Earth and has numerous underground facilities as large as cities hidden from those above ground. ICI is also an affiliate of KEA33D, a branch of the Kalendrial Community, through which personal communication remains to this day.
Iok galaxy
The Iok Galaxy is a heavily dense galactic host of stars when compared to the average norm, making it a very hot body. Many would assume it to be devoid of life because of its overall extreme thermal climates of worlds, but most surface life on the worlds within the Iok Galaxy are nearly impervious to extraordinary temperatures of heat. The Iok Galaxy is also the birth galaxy of the Okium races, as well as that of the Choosars.