Though well known throughout Omnikia, for the longest of ages, almost nobody knows anything extensive of the Bershosh, who created the Earth of the A33D Cosm. So what DID we know about the Bershosh? We know that they are in the possession of abilities even the Kalendrials and the Bominitians feared enough to avoid any confrontation with, but were more than willing to give assistance when the Bershosh requested it of them. Most of the Bershosh reside within a bio-comet they call the Cagus, which often disguised its color so to not be seen by outsiders amidst their work.
So we come to now, where the Bershosh seem to have disappeared entirely, all except one, and she may be the only one who knows what happened to the others. I intend to get the story from her so that we may know the truth of the fate of the Bershosh...
b O M I N I T I A N C O M M U N I T Y
Upheld by a decree of decency, peace, and unity, the Bominitian Community is the haven for harmonious living. Governed by belief systems derived from the philosophy of the Nyriel, Jirig Te' Bominitos, this community is very involved with its worship of Omnikia when it is driven by an eternal conscious force they name the Highest Intelligence. The Bominitians promote creation and creativity, helping worlds stay alive and helping the gnarlyverse grow more steadily like a universe. Despite these good qualities, the Bominitian Community is dwindling to the growth of the Kalendrials and of sovereign communities who do not share their beliefs. Be this as it is, the Bominitian Community is not one to take lightly, having bested the Kalendrials before in the climactic End of the Grand Extinction.
Conjured up by the Cherokee medicine man, Buck Hagmo, alongside his cousin Buzzmeister Binny, and their uncle, Donk Tloca, the Brain Knot (also known as Cannabis Tryptomania) strain of marijuana is famous for being the one and only species of cannabis that could take its user to the Mind Cosm Mine of Fyriie without the aide of any other psychotropic. Because half of the constituent breeds crossed to birth the Brain Knot only exist in Fyriie, this is perhaps the rarest cannabis species found anywhere in Omnikia.
Name: Buzzmeister Binny Sex: Male Species: Earth Human/Fyricibin Mushroom Bio: The founder of the Wet Dreams Drug Company, Buzzmeister Binny, lives in two worlds to run his business. On the physical Earth of A33D, he is Benjamin Hagmo to handle distribution affairs, while his true self in Fyriie is the magic mushroom, Buzzmeister Binny. He works alongside his uncle Donk Tloca (whose beard he grew from) to crack the Navigational Ability of mankind and keep up the demand of requested psychotropics. Binny is also a practicing shaman who channels the spirits of psychedelic gurus like Timothy Leary and others in times of need and has displayed the ability to teleport in his mushroom form.