"This is Sgt. Roger Boyd of the Blankspotter Security Task Force. Do you copy, 3201? Are you working?"
"This is 3201, we can hear ya bud!" Boyd: "My team is directly under the Spot! Honestly- I'm not really wanting to be here. It's not looking right at all."
3201: "Tell us everything you see. What's its status? What is it doing right now, Sergeant?" Boyd: "Well, it 's puking up that stinking crap-cloud around it like crazy. It's currently nine hundred meters above, but the gas is- getting heavier. Stay in that truck, don't be poking your head out to see it." 3201: "Are all of you fully suited, helmet and all?" Boyd: "Every one of us is masked, strapped, and heavily protected head- to... Hold on one moment." 3201: "Is everything alright out there Sergeant?" Boyd: "Raaadio... Something's coming out of the Spot! Some- fucking- fat ass acorn cap, corn kernels, something or- HOLY SHIT!!!" 3201: " What's wrong Sergeant , are you there? What's happening?" Boyd: "Spreading everywhere! Snakes, no, veins- blood vessels, all crawling across the sky! Oh my GOD, this is fucking sick! What the fuck is all of this!?" 3201: "Maintain your ground, you gotta explain it so that I can understand you!" Boyd: "I'm not playing around, you asshole, honestly! There's these huge TUBES coming down outta that bullshit covering up the sky. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! GET OUTTA THE FUCKING WAY! THEY'RE COMING DOWN!!!" 3201: "Sergeant!? WHAT HAPPENED!? Do you hear me!? SERGEANT!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!?"
Boyd: "Radio? (heavy breathing) Are you boys alright, everybody? The sky.... The sky just shit itself, radio! Literally- just shit itself! I'm standing eighteen feet from a massive maroon turd going all the way up to a sky full of its fucking snakes! It that doesn't make sense, it's the best I can fucking do. This doesn't feel real to me whatsoever right now, Radio, just to let you know!"
3201: "No shit? I'd pop my head out to see it for myself, but your orders, Sarge."
Boyd: "Lemme see. Leroy.... Richards.... where's the others? (heavy breathing) Alright , good, we're all okay! Radio, you won't believe it if you saw it with your own eyes anyways."
3201: "Actually, just got the camera view up. I can't even tell what's what out there."
Boyd: "It's all bunched up on the ground and then goes all the way to the sky. And good God- the smell of this shit, that's what it has to be, a giant piece of shit! I already knew there were weird organisms living in the other Cosms, but nothing like this." 3201: "What will you and the rest of the team be doing now?"
Boyd: "We're moving in to get a better look at this thing- but, Jesus! I kinda don't wanna get any closer to this stinkin' sunava bitch, that smell is killer enough as it is, not in a good way. Okay, boys, let's close in! Move it! C'mon, and get those damned lights on it! Oooooh MAN, this thing- it's definitely alive! Its skin is just crawling, for real! I'm climbing, stepping up to the top of this big ugly knot it stuck into the ground with, and it's gurgling or something."
3201: "Hey- uh- Boyd, I know you're ballsy, but I don't think you wanna be doing that just yet, sir! We don't know what it is, right?"
Boyd: "I dunno, it's just- the most funky-assed thing I've ever-"
Leroy in the background: "HEY, SGT! There's something inside this thing!"
Boyd: "Whatcha talking about, kid?"
Leroy: "Can't you see it? There's like another blob moving around inside this one!"
Boyd: "Huh!? He's not bullshittin', there is something big, greenish, and I can't make it out so good! HOLY FUCK! STEADY STEADY! Its bulging up, bulging up!"
Leroy: "Sir, sir- SIR! SIR! Hey, come over here and look! HEY! LOOK! LOOK AT IT!"
The next sound is of the squealing death Leroy accompany the chatter of gunfire and the splashing, suckling noise that becomes one like a man's groan degrading into loud dripping. 3201: "SGT. BOYD! RADIO TO BOYD! HELLO!? ANSWER ME!"
3201 is now almost inaudible amongst the shredding racket and some other commotion like a hauntingly deep croaking. Two sounds were easily discernible, one being that of a single handgun round being shot and the other a piling thud to a metal floor.