Official Vulkanoid Analysis Report ICI Technological Scientific Research Foundation Date of login: 7.25.2008 Report designated by 5th TSRF Division, Lab Mobile Professor. Agorias, Cotrell This data is a compilation of military info and biological studies undertaken upon the hostile exo- cosmic lifeforms which have been officially named Vulkanoids by the media. There are a variety of species, and all show characteristics that tell of a common origin beyond the Omnikion Hole. Their sizes range from the smallest record of eight meters to the largest on record at two hundred and sixty meters in length. They are purely carnivorous with in-discrimination to its prey, sometimes are cannibalistic, and they display a behavior showing signs of a constant hunger that is ceaseless even with a full stomach. The largest particular species of Vulkanoid, the Choosars, are the ones causing the vast majority of attacks. They are mobile by way of a combination of the pushing tail section of the body and also by dragging with its arms, which end with two boney fingers coming off of its hands, sporting long, retractable, splintering talons. Their teeth are extraordinarily large for their form, which would make one think it should weigh down the head to the ground, however, the strength and speed of these animals is astounding enough to resist such weight. This is possibly due to the ever-flowing adrenaline that overcomes when the single-tracked objective to feed controls them, and because that objective is constant, no eyewitnesses have come forward to support any evidence that the Vulkanoid sleeps, or even tires. The Vulkanoid sensory response is as the following: Hearing is primarily limited to reactions to high- pitched frequencies, but studies have shown this is for communication between others of their kind, not for hunting. Eyesight is only limited to rapid movement, assists in hunting but primarily used for the avoidance of obstacles in motion. The faint sense of smell from the nose alone is used more for a stimulant reaction, but worthless beyond that. The sense of touch is medium, which means that they do register pain, but are hardly susceptible to distraction from it. The most powerful response comes from the taste buds, which are strong enough to taste chemicals emitted from a source approximately two kilometers away; this response identifies prey. Above all of its features, and the feature which makes this animal one of the most bizarre and complex organisms ever recorded would be the way they reproduce. It has multiple pod glands throughout its body can spawn an entirely new Choosar from scratch in a very short time. The pods will be dormant in the body, until the primary working brain ceases to send signals to them, and that is when the dormant brains and nervous networks wake to compete for the primary spot or grow from the Choosar entirely. At this point, the animal's functions are even more complex, for when any part of the animal containing these pods is removed from the main body, that part can continue to function as a separate organism, like an earthworm or starfish. The process of primary brain competition can also cause the bones to divide cleanly into a new skeletal structure, or simply reconstruct a broken bone or tissue anew as long as the cells of that component are in reach of the nerves. Studies even find that digestive and cardiovascular organs can grow from the muscular network after the originals fail. This regeneration is seen as a method of accidental asexual reproduction, despite the fact that the animal can reproduce sexually as well. The real threat from these animals is their undeterred predatory instinct, and they have an entire planet full of almost endless supply of prey to their liking. Militaries from every country as well as contractor agencies from around the world are trying to find the simplest method of keeping a Choosar Vulkanoid deceased, where as no bomb or firearm can kill it without spreading pieces that would create others. Alongside this, no viral purge has been successful in overwhelming their poisonous bacteria, which explains why our atmosphere does not seem to affect their extraterrestrial bodies; we are still baffled by the resilience of their microbiological structures. The closest solution one has come to euthanizing a Choosar Vulkanoid is to electrocute them at extremely high voltages, but even this proves to be a risk, for the inferior brains are excreted at a quickened rate from the gland during the shock, leaving many behind still functional if any part of the animal is left wet. The Choosar would have to be electrocuted until no traces of hydration are present within the structure. The only source powerful enough to sustain the shock for that duration is the combination of three B.E.E. generators supplied to the arsenal, which can only be provided with the required amount suggested by KEA33D, but the expense to do this is beyond our current world budget. This species has the potential to endanger or even extinct almost all animal life on Earth, with Homo-Sapiens being one of their primary diets on this planetary environment due to our widespread global presence. If the animals cannot be eliminated or contained soon, it will have the capability of being the most dominant animal on Earth, if not the only animal left. Hopefully, KEA33D will negotiate with the necessary terms of our conflict, and if not, we will be left with either the option of leaving the planet or to die with it.