Official Iok Transmission Report ICI Technological Scientific Research Foundation Date of login: 5.30.2007 Report designated by US Executive Head Division, Installation 51 Professor. Lutheran, Jess We release this report to all staff, upon the recent developments over the disruptive signal from the Iok Galaxy. The transponder uplinks and downlinks of our satellites appear to be working normally again, but only as long as they remain out of the path of the Iok Transmission, which has strangely narrowed itself into a projection leading directly into the Omnikion Hole, where four fifths of the transmission seems to have completely stopped without passing through. The one fifth, we believe, may be related to another development. We are finding a connection with the yellow gases that have been escaping from the Omnikion Hole for the past couple of months. It has been noticeable that wherever it goes the skies of the Earth are tinted with the yellow gases and they gradually growing thicker. Added to this, a rancid stench seems to follow the gases wherever they are thickest. As of three days ago, tests were conducted on these gases directly and on those who have fallen ill breathing it in when they were within the areas it was thickest. The tests determine that it houses several hosts of microorganisms alien to the Earth, possibly even the A33D Cosm. These organisms are harmless outside the areas of heavy gas, but remaining within those areas for more than ten minutes, they can be fatal. The Iok Transmission is upgrading from a mere nuisance into a serious threat, and given that the strength of the broadcast is increasing, we may be seeing only a preliminary to something far more prevalent. KEA33D tells us that it will find the origin of the transmission and will seek the authorization to extirpate it immediately.