Official E2 Artifact Progression Report ICI Technological Scientific Research Foundation Date of login: 2.23.2001 Report designated by 2nd TSRF Division, Lab 412 Professor. Cotrell, Agoraios Before we begin the briefing of the E2 Artifact Project's institutional, we'd like to extend our deepest appreciation to you, ICI North America Status Gen. Thomas Ernesto Johnson, for allowing the scientific staff of Laboratory 412 the opportunity to personally research this object which is absolutely the most vital find of all of Human history as we know it. As of now, our research is lightened, at the recommendation of KEA33D. Many examinations were conducted on the E2 Artifact, which is now confirmed to be Jicotan Tari's conception of the Variable vessel, to find the most plausible purpose for its existence so that a total confirmation of its functions can be made when the device can finally be activated. What should happen, theoretically speaking, once the Variable's core Niy’Ton particle ignites, it will unwind the Ni'Yan Strings that it is woven of, a concept that has not existed in the universe since they became the Ni' Yan Layer that is our physical reality we see today. KEA33D revealed that an individual component separate from the device would be necessary for the subatomic adhesive reaction within the innermost of the Variable's core to unwind the Strings. The component is an organism, specifically, a genetically- engineered hominid hybrid which can only be assumed at this time to also have been engineered by Jicotan Tari. We do not know where to find this component as of now, but KEA33D strongly urges us to leave its retrieval to their responsibility and to avoid the Riyos activists by any means possible.