Translation of received audio document in 5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1...... Document translated! "KEA33D communication established! We are pleased to inform your installation of our findings, and express gratitude for your share of the information that led us to its direction. The mechanism under our collaborative study, if not a mimic, is an invention of the Jicotan scientist, Jicotan Tari, which is based on his research into the fundamental String science, more specifically the formulaic Unifier concepts, such as those proposed for the construction of the theoretical Variable. It is very likely that this mechanism is Jicotan Tari's version of that vessel, and from our personal understanding, every invention ever made by the hand of Jicotan Tari functions properly to the full extent of its intended purpose. Because of his reputation as one of the greatest scientists ever recognized throughout this side of Omnikia, and the fact that he is also pronounced dead, this item may have a value beyond barter. With this brought to your understanding, you must also know of the hazards involved if this is the original invention, namely encounters with violent activists. Concerning the excavation of the device, we ask of this to be your installation's undertaking as to avoid the presence of Bominitian protesters intervening with the operation. If KEA33D were to do so personally, seeing that Jicotan Tari was a prominent figure in the Bominitian community and is a founder of the hostile Riyos sect, we are certain that Riyos and its associates will eventually triangulate the Variable's whereabouts and may try to obtain it. Because of their opposition to us, we dare not provoke the Bominitian community with a find that would expand the sect's allegations against our duties. We wish to keep peace. If the object is already in the hands of your allied government, by Bominitian law, they are forbidden from taking it without a diplomatic agreement between the Psarkian Human and Earth Human governments. We trust in your professionalism and you have our total confidence in this operation. The next set of data we will provide to you includes all clues to its potential functions, and this will also show you what precautions are to be taken to excavate it. Message over."