Translation of received audio document in 5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1...... Document translated! "KEA33D Communication established! Four years have passed and the male subject was retrieved without incident. On the eve of yester-night, we have finalized the conduction of research upon the twin components; the female, who calls herself Lela, and the male, who calls himself Cheroute. We are assured the authenticity of the components through the fact that the very Jicotan portion of their genetics is non other than the traits of Jicotan Tari himself. We can further confirm the MC Link between the twins and the Variable, but only when the twins are in physical contact with one another. There may be some form of duality between them to make this possible, but none of our scans outside those that read the MC Link's completion supports this theory as of now. For the event of the adhesion process, both the data supplied by our informant and our examinations show us that only one component is necessary to activate the core, leaving us to believe the extra potential component as a fail-safe if the other should happen to function improperly in use. With the components in our possession, we are preparing for the primary experiment. ICI President Ji'La Balu and KEA33D have reached an agreement to stage the Adhesion Process within the chamber of your subterranean quarters, Laboratory 412. Now... we shall discuss the terms of instructions to the event : First and foremost, before all else is allowed to ensue, it has come to our attention the concern of opening the Variable. From the scans you have provided us, it appears to have had at one time the ability to retract portions of the frontal hull, however, there is no mechanism we were able to verify anywhere across or within the Variable to unlock it. This leaves only one option available, which is to remove the exterior of the craft's frontal hull and expose the outer membrane of the core. The sub-atomic adhesion takes place after the Humanoid component enters the core. The ship's nervous system should automatically align with the subject's nervous pulse signals upon contact with the synapse within the core's outer membrane, and the signals will travel through that system to find their way to the innermost center of the core. Acting as the Humanoid body's replenishing cycle, the information in the pulse will restart the evolutionary process of primordial strings winding into the Niy' Ton state for the Adhesion, and at the point of the restart, we should see every distinguishable force in existence synchronize with one another, all of them running on equal frequencies in a solitary spot at the same moment. What we shall see here is a glimpse of the unified forces creating an energy impulse matching that during the almighty birth of our existing universe. The recording of this event is in our greatest interest, and we shall legislate that the results of such an event to profit both of our organizations in equal value. Handle this with the best of your caution, for all who wish to look upon this event would also wish to enjoy the comfort of a secure environment. This event shall take place after two tomorrows, and when the moment of the sun's final ray has vanished from view, we shall emerge unto your facility, from whence all things will begin when we bring the male component to you. The female component will remain in our custody for now. Until the day of our arrival, be ensured of your preparations to the outcome of this, whether it be expected or it be a fully blown paradox. Message over." Document closed!