Translation of received audio document in 5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1...... Document translated!
"KEA33D Communication established! We have many things to address at this time due to the unfortunate circumstances of the resulting Jicotan Tari Adhesion Process. First - we would like to congratulate your organization, for despite the disastrous destruction of facility 412, the procedure was fruitful. Our scans were able to detect both the presence of structures that can now be verified by our scientists as the Ni' Yan Strings, and also, the presence of the no-longer theoretical Omnikion Hole. Now we are finally able to confirm these things as visible scientific facts, thanks to your collaborative efforts. Second - We insist upon your installation to observe and study the Omnikion Hole freely, we only suggest precautions upon doing so, for the complexities of its existence yields various un-expectations, as you have seen. Do not bring speak of the Omnikion Hole's origin, for obvious reasons. Though the media exposure of its existence is unavoidable, restrict the size of your observation team to less than one hundred members in order to disguise the object's importance. Third - we understand that a curiosity has developed within your organization to collect and further study the remnants of the Variable. We agree to the continuation of the research, however, we strongly advise you to not pursue the collection of any part of the craft. The chief reasons for this is due to the Variable engine's current posture, which is seated within the remains of its shell. This shell's composition of giant Niy' Tons is an enigma, but is apparently remaining stable underneath the engine to hold it during its current state. If the engine happens to be loosened from the containment of the shell material and falls out from it, it will most likely penetrate through all surfaces of the planet- the crust, the mantle and possibly even your planetary center. There is no need to explain what happens if the Variable's engine happens to collide with Earth's infrastructure. We of KEA33D wish to research it from afar, so that we shall not disrupt the engine as it is until we are able to verify enough information that would lead our organization to the creation of a duplicate shell so we may possibly be able to harmlessly remove it from the ruins of facility 412. We feel it is necessary that you establish a security force around the ruins of 412, so that we do not risk a disturbance to the core from outside sources. As promised, we hold towards the signed contract that all in collaboration with the efforts of the Jicotan Tari Adhesion Process shall be given their share of the research upon this wonder, and the technology that may be produced from it. Message over." Document closed!