EMERGENCY REPORT Official Omnikion Hole Observation Operation Document ICI Technological Scientific Research Foundation Date of login: 3.12.2007 Report designated by 5th TSRF Division, Lab Mobile Professor. Luevancruix, Miers A very terrible devastation has occurred last night. My long-time friend and colleague, Professor Dillard Cason, was killed yesterday after a freak accident involving our Omnikion Hole. Professor Cason was a journalist for the Natural Exploration media, and followed our tracking of the Omnikion Hole since his first involvement with the project. He continued to cover our investigation, and on his own endeavor, became very attached and obsessed with the target enough so to continuously walk through it on several occasions, apparently unharmed or unchanged with the exception of brief unconsciousness. We tried to refrain him from doing this further, yet he proceeded until the moment of his unthinkable accident, whereupon walking through it one last time resulted in a very horrifying disfigurement. Cason screamed frighteningly as his body had been twisted attempting to unhinge himself from some sudden newfound vaccum effect of the hole. As twisted his form was, we still managed to try pull him from it, whence produced a very sickening twist of his bodily material which had split apart on each side of the hole, and between these bodily materials was a fusion and conglomeration of some bubbling organic tissues that were continuously coming out and becoming thicker until the Omnikion Hole cut these halves from itself when it slid into the ground. Cason did not die instantaneously. He had lived hardly responsive for four more minutes after the cut, until choking on fluids and organic matter that had flooded from his mouth. We have all been feeling very ill since this disaster, and have not slept or rested. We have not called for a medical evacuation, because of our concern of the nature of this situation, all of us had agreed not to bring Cason's body outside this area until we have authorization on further actions from you. Our concern lies in a safety theory we have collaborated on: The fashion the material attached to Cason's body was pulled out could possibly be the behavior of matter from another Cosm, in which case, the risk of destructive contaminates is very high. We have sealed Cason's body inside one of our RVs until your instructions are given. Please, we ask of you, to respond quickly!