Supernatural Explorer issue #100 THE BRAIN CHANGE GAMES with Heidi C. Yester And now our time is coming, and the clock is ticking quickly. Smaller press outlets are the first to go, and very few are still standing. Our roads are being maintained too slowly after ICI ATVs bore their weight on them once more. Staff members understandably have more important things to do to stay alive than to entertain themselves, and this is the same with our publisher. It would be a miracle if there is another issue after this one. Yes, Supernatural Explorer may be on its one and only leg, a definite broken one as it stands. But if we go out, we’ll have to throw everything on the table, and tell you the ultimate assessment of the greatest and strangest secret we’ve ever come across in our studies. People, we may not be alone in the intergalactic reaches, but we really do stand out from it, in fact, we are envied for that which makes us stand out. As it happens to be, we who grew from the Earth have in us the greatest psychic guidance system in the universe! This may be the first time you readers have ever been told about what those in the galactic communities refer to as GuT and its sought-out madness. The truth of GuT, like many others, has been covered up from the public by the knowable elites today as it was by their predecessors, after all, it is and was the thing that gave them everything they wanted. GuT is a method that takes you to a state of mind, known to some as the GuT Madness, through which your psychic guidance can work. Using GuT, your mind can manipulate the universe into getting you exactly what you want. Yes, exactly what you want, no matter how crazy it is! So why doesn’t it work for the rest of us? It is told that thousands of years ago, those extraterrestrials who have guarded our planet sent a plague of confusion to keep us from initiating the power of the system. The reason for this was to prevent humanity from bringing about manifested desires that would be too uncontrollably dangerous, and if you read enough world news, you probably see their point. Now, from what we have bundled, that aspect that made us so special amongst everybody out there is returning to public knowledge, sort of. There has been an unexpected insurgence of pioneers who are trying everything, even using methods similar to GuT, to try and stop the Interspecies War. Whether these volunteering pioneers succeeded or not in manifesting their desires in such a fashion that rules out coincidental, conventional, and fabricated results, we would love to know. With these pioneers, we who are what remains of Supernatural Explorer wish to investigate and document the workings of GuT, for it is one of the last of the greater mysteries unanswered for this outlet. There is a narrow chance that we can effectively do this and return to write the results for you. I, Heidi C Yester, declare to you the reader that I will not give up on getting this info, save the loss of my life, so that you know what we say about GuT is fact, and that hope lies in it. I want to know and I believe you do too.
1 Comment
9/18/2018 09:06:31
Honestly, I never dream to talk about Intergalactic stuff since it's not within the scope of my interest. That's less of a priority for me and I don't have nay plans of going through it. But since you mentioned it, my curiosity was tickled and I am willing to learn it now. I am hoping that you will keep on introducing new things to us because this might be quite interesting. Because of this, there might be a chance of me becoming a Supernatural Explorer someday!
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