Translation of received audio document in 5...... 4....... 3...... 2...... 1...... Document translated! "We of KEA33D have witnessed the full effect of this attack and are as concerned as your people of what may come of it. It is not in our interest to see the Earth Humans exterminated and we will provide what we can to keep this from happening. We have regret in being unable to personally intervene with the current foreign exchange policies, that is, unless the Interstellar Communication Installation can somehow obtain global governance of your planet. If we do so before then, we and you will risk severe repercussions from our superiors alongside the advancement of rival factions from the other interstellar communities. So that you understand, friends, a move as such would bring forth an intergalactic war that would be excessively more devastating than your planetary conflict alone. If the Interstellar Communication Installation is to become the primary governing authority of your planet, we will then be legally capable of sharing with you the technology needed to bring about your opportunity to end this tragedy. Trust us, this is for the safest route possible when considering the magnitude of this crisis in its entirety. Message over." Document Closed