Translation of received audio document in 5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1...... Document translated! "KEA33D Communication established! There is much to discuss with you after several developments have arrived here. This situation is far more complicated than we originally believed. We have discovered two candidate hominids on Earth compatible with the two thirds Human and one third Jicotan genetic build, and as it turns out, the candidates are twins of opposite genders. We were able to deploy one of our Y'rialic devices to retrieve the female and was successful, but upon our attempt to retrieve the male, we became aware of what we can only suspect to be a spy in the area after detecting a brief outburst of Varium- restricted electrons, something that only occurs in the presence of Wymrs with pheromone-replicate O'Qlar particles. The spy was using an Olnasiac Field, which is why we had difficulty finding the source of the MC field the Variable was linked with. We were unable to apprehend and identify the individual before it went under guise again. This may indicate Riyos' doing, indeed. We will have to take greater measures to prevent further interruption in this operation. Now onto more fortunate circumstances regarding the female subject in our custody. Our researchers have found startling anatomical attainments in the subject thus far. All nerve endings within the subject react to an unusual cardio pattern; every precise minute and a half, a strong nervous pulse paralyzes the bodily structure for a quarter of a second, and in that very short span of time, the body replenishes by replacing lost or damaged cells; rapid regeneration. The pattern is gradually shrinking, and in four years time, the amount of time between pulses will reduce to the amount of time the body will go through the paralysis period. By that time, the body is expected to no longer experience the paralysis, but will continuously replenish itself enough to stop the aging process altogether. This is obviously the Jicotan genetics at work. The Human aspect is a combination of the Earth race and the Psark race genetics, and exhibits epinephrine secretion levels too frequently high for a normal Human heart to withstand, even higher than your installation's Task Enforcers. We have decided to wait until the male twin matures before we will retrieve him, and he will be under discreet observation up to that moment. Do not approach him, as we may not know what the suspected spy may do if it does take notice of you. Once again, it would be wise to not tamper with the Variable , so that we know exactly how the components will be used with it. Also, from here on in, do not release any reports regarding the Humanoid components, so that we may avoid complications with your inspectors. Those reports will remain between KEA33D and ICI. In four years time, we may be able to conclude our next phase of action in what we are calling the Jicotan Tari Adhesion Process. Message over." Document closed!