I am temporarily suspending the Blog Burrow until I find a better way to utilize it. I find it unnecessary to repost things more than once, as it takes up time for me to do better things with the site. It's hard to keep pumping out content when you already have your hands full, so this will lighten the load for me. If you have been reading the Blog Burrow, I apologize, and if you would like to offer up ideas on what to do with it, write me at [email protected] and help a brother out!
![]() The Variable Harnessing energies not found anywhere else in all of Omnikia's expanse, the Variable is a surreal mechanism known to have broken every physical law that gnarlyverse is known to have. Crafted to operational perfection by Jicotan Tari, the machine is intended to house and give birth to the foretold Unifier. The Variable has already shown us what impossible forces it sustains within, and what they can do to the rest of Omnikia when they are released. In an ICI experiment to open the Variable, those exposed energies brought forth an Omnikion Hole. What remains of the vessel sleeps at the bottom of the obliterated Laboratory 412 in Mount Shasta of California, closely watched by those in the world who know what it's about to bring next... ![]() Though well known throughout Omnikia, for the longest of ages, almost nobody knows anything extensive of the Bershosh, who created the Earth of the A33D Cosm. So what DID we know about the Bershosh? We knew that they were the true owners, makers, and punishers of planet Earth, and knew that they are in the possession of abilities even the Kalendrials and the Bominitians feared enough to avoid any confrontation with, but were more than willing to give assistance when the Bershosh requested it of them. Most of the Bershosh reside within a bio-comet they call the Cagus, which often disguised its color so to not be seen by outsiders amidst their work. So we come to now, where the Bershosh seem to have disappeared entirely, all except one, and she may be the only one who knows what happened to the others. I intend to get the story from her so that we may know the truth of the fate of the Bershosh... The Communities of the Gnarlyverse There are many widespread communities throughout Omnikia, some which hold greater sway than others in the gnarlyversal affairs. This is to focus on the three most well-known of the communities: First, there is the Bominitian Community, which is known for its heavy religious influence deriving from the teachings of Jirig Te Bominitos, a philosophical figure belonging to the extinct Nyriel race from the earliest periods of Omnikia's current form. Their systematic way of living consists of moral practices of righteous and spiritual parental-ism. Though there are exceptions, you are probably better off in the company of a devout Bominitian than most affiliates of the other communities. Second, there is the Argrig Community, which is known for its strict but progressive scientific practices. Established by the Haxe throughout their home solar system, the Argrig Community insists on its neutrality to barter from the education of any who participate, which includes pupils and faculty from other communities. Argrig's advancements are responsible for the vast majority of technology used by the participant communities, and because of this, it cannot be denied that it is the most influential among them all. Third, there is the Kalendrial Community, which is not only known for its hedonistic standards, but its conquest to convert and control Omnikia. Many events led to the development of the Kalendrial Community, but none are as credited as the ousting of Yi'Kan Sacracel from command of the vessel that is now used as the Primarikan Kalendisset. Though the actions of those who now hold the reigns of the Kalendrials are very questionable, not everyone who is of the community lives by malign practices, but do enjoy the perks of expressible freedom it permits. All I can say is that it is very wise to not get on the bad side of the Kalendrials, for their wrath is unlike any the gnarlyverse has ever seen. A million universal farewells to you all! (((B{I} Spacey JC 7/3/2016
GuT Circus A million greetings! Today I would like to provide you with a closer look at the GuT Circus, an assortment of side-show events pertaining to the gnarlyverse and its GuTology. The story events in the GuT Circus will exquisitely creep you the hell out in their own thematically dark way, but will also enchant you as experimental pieces of colorful psychedelic artistry. Subconsciously, all Human beings psychologically want to venture into new sensations to evolve our methodology of thought towards a stage more suitable to the open probabilities of presumable reality. By the time you thought all the windows of your curiosity have been opened and closed as far as you can go, you then enter my GuT Circus, and are taken vastly further to a window that never closes. Coming from the people of the far corners and parallel crannies of the Earth, these first three stories bestow their own fractal fragments to the paradox puzzle, the one greater event the trilogy is leading up to. The first event of the trilogy is Beware The Beyond, where a young Missourian man can do nothing to avoid the variety of otherworldly forces who follow him from all directions, some who are determined to disfigure and dispose of him. Who can he trust when every entity is as bizarre as the other? The second event of the trilogy is The Eggboy, the quest of the Nigerian warlock-in-practice, Nakibo Kumbo, through the deadly African wilderness, murderous mountain tribesmen, a cavern swarming with surreal monsters of astounding perversity, and the even more impassible dreamworld. And the third event of the trilogy is T, the story of Tia the Terrorphim, a powerful beast who helped create the very Earth itself and is now residing in the back of the confused head of a Russian teenage girl. Taking place during the 1922 winter of Siberia, the lost girl is determined to cross it to find the full truth of herself and her apocalyptic family. After the trilogy and the GuT Unifier novels to come, the GuT Circus will return with many MANY more tales to come, none which will be any less crazed and unique than the rest. Enjoy the show and have a million universal farewells! (((B{I} Spacey JC Navigators are those conscious beings in the gnarlyverse who can decipher the direct affirmative responses from Omnikia itself, called Signatures, to guide them to their requested desire; this technique is that which is known as GuT. The condition of the mind of a Navigator when using the GuT to find Signatures has been called the GuT Madness, for it was seen by the oldest recorded civilizations in Omnikia as the very will of the indecisive source of all existence. If not born into it, GuT can be achieved by tweaking mental mechanisms via specialized manipulative methods, whether by meditation, hallucinogens, hypnosis, or physical alteration. Every legitimate psyche residing in Omnikia is a potential Navigator if not positively one, and every Navigational ability among them greatly differs in its workings; registration of senses, duration of Navigation, and calculation to name but a few molds. So to you Navigators out there using GuT, I say to be wise and kind in your desires, don't try to erase everything there is. A million universal farewells to you all! (((B{I} Spacey JC Omnikia The Gnarlyverse and its Cosms: Do we live in it?
When your universe is alive and continuously remodels itself as much as Omnikia does, you are inhabiting a gnarlyverse. For the observer, the rules of reality never remain, and this includes the life-force of the gnarlyverse itself, especially during its mood swings. In GuT's gnarlyverse, the physical ridiculousness rivals everything the most estranged minds can throw at it as every probability of creation manifests in Omnikia's blood cells that are the Cosms. It is within these Cosms (and perhaps beyond even they at various points) where the stories of GuT take place, and some will dare to take you to a Cosm based on rules completely oblivious to our comprehension. Some who are reading this may ask, "Are we not already living in a gnarlyverse?" The truth is, even if do, we may be incapable of proving what kind of body of existence we are living in. Just the fact that proof is never entirely positive in our existence may indicate that we are a part of a gnarlyverse, and namely, a part of Omnikia. In short, in every way I and anybody can put it as it has been put many times, nothing is impossible, especially if you are living within Omnikia or one of its Cosms... A million universal farewells to you all! (((B{I} Spacey JC *From this day forward, unless noted otherwise, I will be in character as Spacey JC for my blogs. Spacey JC is officially a personality from the GuT gnarlyverse and will write from the perspective of one living in it, so I thought it would be best if he could tell you who he is and why he speaks on the GuT matters the way that he does.*
Hailing from the Brigbeta Colony way the hell a distance from the party ball everybody kind of agreed to calling Earth, I give a million universal greetings to all readers, listeners, and viewers! This is Spacey JC coming to you LIVE (or whenever you read this...) from the Spacey Cave! For most of my seasons, I've been a journalist covering the wacko tellings I find throughout Omnikia, our gnarlyverse. I wrote for the historians, news reports, and tabloids of several worlds and picked up the most out of place stories among the enormous neighborhood of parallel realities (or Cosms as we call them) within Omnikia. Life was pretty high-paced, but I was making a respectable earning and some well-traveled mileage points, that is, before the crack that brought me down. While I was returning from an adventurous run on Earth, I was unaware of a crack in the fuel tank of my craft. By the time the service light came on, my tank was already damned depleted! I had to land somewhere right then, and the only object within my approximation was an asteroid flying solo between Earth and Mars. In the time I needed to repair the crack, I went ahead and did a quick look around of the rock. There wasn't much to see of it on the outside, just the observation that it is no bigger than your average Earth mansion, but there was only this one cavern that went all the way through to the other side. Covered in the neon cave art from one end to another, I was feeling at home already. After sliding my furniture and broadcast equipment down into the tunnel and with a bit of arranging, the Spacey Cave was born. I have been here since, putting together the GuT projects with all of my data chronicles and talents for my audience across the stars. So there's something to shed a flashlight on ol' Spacey JC, so why not join us here in the Spacey Cave and be dazzled by what we have here. Thank you for being here, and have yourself a million universal farewells! Blog Burrow Post 6/13/2016
A lot of people may still be wondering what GuT is and what it stands for, and perhaps I need to clear it up once and for all. In this mythology, GuT is used as the primary directional indicator of the conscious universe. The three formulaic characters G (Gyrek/Animation) u (Ueta/Creative Potential) T (Tefra/Destructive Potential) are an equation to describe the nature of all existence, and act as a compass in the psyche of those dwellers of the universe who are Navigators (a living interpreter of the indicator). Using GuT, a Navigator can fulfill any desire, no matter the scale of its impact, even if it could destroy everything that is. If not born a Navigator, there are various methods for a consciousness to unlock the Navigational ability, some far weirder and more dangerous than others. These are the stories of those who revolve around the Earthly and Un-Earthly events that are all crisscrossing into an impending paradox of psychoactive proportions. To define the fashion of which I aim to depict with these tales, I splashed together elements inspired by the likes of Terry Gilliam films, classic video games, and William S. Burroughs books until I've made a rainbow resin from them and injected into it the most deranged of my childhood fantasies so that they could colonize it, sculpt it, and declare it GuT. Kick-starting with The GuT Circus, a collection of freak fiction fun, we will make our way to the post-paradox happenings in GuT Unifier, an adventure series which tells of a particular group of characters at the forefront of the pan-dimensional pandemonium. I plan to put everything I have into GuT so that it will evolve and grow as more of it manifests from me with the given time, the needed resources, and most importantly, your support. Please participate in GuT's fruition by joining the Spacey Cave Club and help it sport the wings it needs. Thank you and a million universal farewells to you all! Alright folks, my post today is going to be quite different from the casual, because I feel now is the time to get serious about some things. This is not about advertising my materials or pretending to be the Spacey JC character- this is real me needing to express things held back in my heart, maybe some of you can relate and others could give a rat's rear less, but you reading this or anything else I've written, regardless of the reason, means a more to me than you'll ever believe.
To love what you are is in truth a very difficult task, we struggle to love ourselves somehow or some way, and some of us just cannot summon the courage to do it, no matter what act we thought might have brought that meaning to it that we needed. Our ego fears being selfish, and often, we equate loving ourselves as something selfish, or that we are becoming braggarts inside and outside. I am here to tell you to not fear loving yourself and that you can love yourself for the right reason without feeling guilty for it. The love for your family depends on your love for yourself, for without having confidence in your being, how can you keep it together and keep it alive? Loving yourself is not a sin, but understand now that when I say yourself, it is not just the container of cells that is your body of which you are in direct control of, but also your environment; your children, your spouse, your family, your friends, your enemies- because in the end, they are all you. This is your story; your material, your energy, your investment. And what I have found through personal experiences, whether practical, whether unusual, whether downright supernatural, is that absolutely NOTHING is impossible! I have learned that any vision your mind holds can become reality by your will, even things you have never believed possible. As a child, I dreamed much to see the doodles in my old notebooks one day become the GuT stories on a futuristic sort of book that doesn't use paper, but at the time, I thought reality was too bland and unflexible for that sort of thing to happen in my lifetime. It seems reality debunked my delusion of what I thought it could not do. Now if you have loved yourself enough to believe in yourself, your mind, your body, your environment, your reality, what could you possibly create from yourself? |